The Benefits of Custom T-Shirt Design and Printing
If you’re looking to express yourself and steer clear of your run-of-the-mill t-shirt you see everyone wearing, you can buy custom t shirts. Custom designed t-shirts give you the opportunity to express yourself, make your voice heard, promote your brand, or simply have some fun with your everyday clothes.
But if we’re talking about specific benefits a personalized t-shirt gives you, they are:
- Affordability
- Flexibility
- Quality
- Confidence boosting and
- Can even help you make more friends and create your own tribe
When talking about a custom design, some of you might think such a t-shirt might cost an arm and a leg, but it’s far from it. The truth of the matter is, brands charge more because they are a brand; by opting for a custom t-shirt, you are essentially buying a shirt of the same quality (if you’re buying at Voice.Art you already know we only use organic, combed cotton of highest quality) but paying a lot less because we’re only charging for printing the design.
Another added benefit of custom print t-shirts has to do with marketing. Traditional marketing and advertising can add up relatively quickly, but putting your brand name (company) on your t-shirt will be an inexpensive way of promoting yourself wherever you go.
When buying a “regular” t-shirt in the store, you’re limited by options offered; when buying a custom t-shirt, you’re basically buying a blank canvas, where you can print out pretty much anything you want. If you are a professional graphics designer, you can print out your creation, and if you’re not, you can benefit from our designer team working relentlessly on new designs on a weekly basis!
Custom tees also offer flexibility, where for a relatively low cost, you can stack up and either advertise your business or express your creativity and uniqueness.
As previously mentioned, custom-printed t-shirts, especially those sold on our website, are just as high-quality as the branded ones available in your local store. Of course, you need to use high quality images for your design, which is why you can’t just download a random image from Google and slap it onto your t-shirt.
This is why our designers produce the final designs in vector format, so we can stretch it out and print out in high quality and great detail.
Confidence boosting
Wearing a custom design, the one you chose and approved, will make you feel better, boost your confidence and comfort levels. It can also make you feel more secure, especially if you’ve created the design yourself, showing off your talent to the world!
Worst case scenario, putting on a t-shirt with a custom design will put a huge smile on your face!
Making New Friends
This goes hand in hand with the previous point, as you’ll be more inclined to make new friends. Also, by showcasing your design to the world, you’ll likely get two reactions – there will be those who don’t like it and those who do.
You can, of course, ignore those who don’t like it but those who do might come up to you, introduce themselves and become your friends, or even business partners, you never know!